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One of Colorful Me Productions (CMP) biggest goals is to tell the stories no one wants to tell, the stories that need to be heard but many are afraid to tackle. The truth matters and the truth need to be told, from all POC viewpoint. The truth doesn't just belong to just us-the truth is very diverse as well.  We know there is a great void in Hollywood regarding BIPOC+ TV Creators, Producers, Directors, and Executives, and CMP wants to become another piece of the puzzle to help fill this void.  CMP Tribe Members all agree and believe we have something incredible here.

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Many times in our planning sessions as multi-generations,  when the older members began to share stories with the younger ones,  We start reminiscing about what we refer to

as the good ole days, however, there were always these missing pieces such as; there were no Dolls that looked like us, there were no Models on covers of fashion magazines, and we rarely saw ourselves on television and when we did they were stereotype roles. Even though we have come a long way, there is still so much farther we need to go. And sadly to say even in the 21st century, 60 years after the Martin Luther King movement, there are still BIPOC+ that do not see themselves in the television or film industries daily. So together, young and old we agree WE STILL HAVE A DREAM and a CHANGE is GONNA COME!  

TOLESG / CMP is committed to bringing back a lot of nostalgia in our future in almost everything we do, by doing things our Ancestors' way and teaching our children the lessons that somehow got lost along the way. Our new Once Upon A Time is going to be reimagining and creating what was lost during our bygone days.   COME BACK TO THE FUTURE WITH US!

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Everyone has a story to tell, and we want to become the company willing to open the doors for so many of these Storytellers. We want to be the place of opportunity where we can say more YESES than NOS. CMP wants to introduce a whole new spectrum of BIPOC+ Creators -Above-the-Line and Below-the-Line workers who need a place, space, and mentors to show them the way. There is no time better than now, the awareness and curiosity are at their highest level, and it has been proven over and over that BIPOC+ (Black Panther, Crazy Rich Asians, CODA, etc.) stories can become box-office hits and Oscars winners too. WE CAN DO THIS...LET'S DO THIS!

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Diversity & Inclusion

Colorful Me Productions - New Television Network

CMP will develop its own network of diversity projects created by BIPOC+ filmmakers and storytellers. Other projects developed by local and regional Independent Filmmakers can showcase their work on our various channels, and we are also giving a platform for student films. Below are the new TV Channels that we have in our  BHAG plans to create.  

CMP will create several new television channels under our newly formed network, O.W.L. Entertainment  Re-Imagined. Under its umbrella, our first two channels will be one for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing and the Indigenous People, providing a space and place for Deaf and Indigenous filmmakers can tell their stories. The plan is to produce a variety of genres of television and films however, our primary focus will be on wholesome, family-friendly programming. We want to tell those harrowing untold stories and work with BIPOC+ communities of undiscovered screenwriters, storytellers, television writers, and creators that we want to open doors for and to tell both their stories and ours. 

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  • NOSTALGIC: Take the Television Entertainment industry back to the future with new modern twists by rebooting old classical shows, retaining the wholesomeness,  family-friendly format, and adding a diverse aspect to them and once again teaching us lessons to live by. .

  • WORKFORCE: Build a workforce (Villagers) where people can explore their passions, use their gifts, and share their talents no matter what skill or occupation it falls under. We will be the avenue (pathway) to try and open those doors for them.

  • INTENTIONAL with developing ways for others to use their talent for the betterment of mankind, to impact change, bridge the social-economic wealth gap, and make a difference in the lives we touch. Creating a better world and legacy for future generations. 

  • TOLESG/CMP is truly about helping others discover their purpose, and create their own passion project within this community and environment by exploring your passion, and what you love to do and somehow making it fit into this overall Passion Project as the perfect way to share their gifts and talents. 

Do You Have a Story to Tell?

​Looking for materials and content for the following genres for Television Programming and Movies/Filmmaking: â€‹

  • ​Comedy

  • Romantic Comedy

  • Dark Comedy

  • Satire

  • Unscripted /Reality/Alternative

  • Adventure 

  • Scripted

  • Screenplays/Screen Adapation

  • Drama

  • Melodrama

  • Soap Operas

  • Plays

  • Romance

  • Crime Drama

  • Medical Drama

  • Space Opera

  • Horror

  • Thriller

  • Psychological Thriller

  • Suspense Thriller

  • Supernatural

  • Mystery

  • Crime Ficition

  • Westerns

  • Action

  • Fantasy/Fairytales

  • Fiction

  • History

  • Historical Action

  • Science Fiction

  • Science Fantasy

  • Adventure FIction

  • True Crime/Investigation

  • Docu-series

  • Documentary

  • Educational

  • Politics / News / Business

  • Anime / Animation

  • Home Shows / DIYs

  • Food / Cooking

  • Makeovers

  • Competitions

  • Discovery (talent)

  • Personality-driven

  • Children

  • Christian Shows

  • Game Shows

  • Limited Series

If you or you know someone is interested, please sign up on our database for a new career opportunity

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Deaf & HOH Channel

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Other Opportunities

As part of the Deaf & HOH Channel, CMP wants to provide content for the Disabled Community and provide programming and content for television and films.  They too, will create, produce and develop their own shows and movies. Therefore, we are searching for Disabled and Handicap individuals from the list too. 

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See the Project page to learn more about our CMP Filmmaking Program for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing

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Deaf & HOH TV Channel

SOCIAL INNOVATION: CMP will create a Deaf Television Channel that will be about Deaf people and created by the  Deaf Community. We will be an innovative social project that will also compel Oklahoma as a leader and solve the issue for underrepresentation in the Deaf creative community. They deserved to be seen daily on all multimedia platforms. We are so proud to be the Pioneers to open year another closed door.

SEEKING DEAF & HOH CREATIVE TALENT: CMP assists with the development of filmmakers and film crew. The goal is to produce Deaf/HOH crew members, who can start creating content for all genres of Deaf programming. We are searching for people in the Deaf, deaf, HOH, CODA or Others involved in the Deaf Community to be a part of this revolution and way past due movement. We will need to develop 1000+ hours of content to launch our new Deaf Channel. IT'S TIME TO GRADUATE FROM TIK TOK!

  • Actors

  • Storytellers

  • Creators

  • Producers

  • Directors

  • Mentors

  • Film Crew

  • Spokesperson

  • Models

  • Artisits

  • Film School Training

  • Internships

  • Interpreters

  • S.T.E.M.

  • Gamers


First Americans TV Channel

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CMP will bring incredible opportunities and career options to the Indigenous People. We desire to partner with other First American Tribes to develop, as part of our ambition plan, a First Americans TV Channel especially created for and by the Indigenous community. The Oklahoma film industry is booming with an influx of job opportunities. Our goal is to make our own opportunities and sit at our own decision-making Executive table alongside our Indigenous brothers and sisters. We are excited to learn more truthtelling through storytelling about our country's First Americans, filmed in the state they settled in many years ago, rich in history. Plus,  it's only fair that the state knew where our Native American and African Americans Ancestors were forced to come back in the late 1800s. Therefore,  it's only fitting that we are the pioneers in such a BHAG project as this. NO MORE MISREPRESENTATION, IT'S TIME THE TRUTH BE TOLD, and what better way than STORYTELLING. 

   Directors - Producers - Actors - Writers - Film Crew - Other   


First Americans Channel

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A NEW VISION - Storytelling through the Eyes of the Indigenous People





Kids TV Channel

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Filmmakers are getting younger and younger. Children are learning at an early age creative ways of storytelling and filmmaking is a huge part of the process. CMP is proud to establish filmmaking production classes through our Character Cultivating Club (CCC). CCC program provides hands-on opportunities to learn about work in the film industry and the many career options within the industry. Our plan is to assigned our young filmmakers with a Mentor to work with them to produce write, produce and develop their own projects. A world of possibilities can be opened to these future filmmakers.

One of the biggest opportunity to them will be to direct, produce and write shows for Gwen's The Yep! Series for Kids Television Shows.  The Yep Kids series is about EMPOWERING OUR CHILDREN WITH A "I CAN SPIRIT!"  BY INSPIRING AND ENRICHING THEIR LIVES THROUGH CREATIVE FORMATS. 


Ages 9-17

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Critical Thinking




Nine Fruits Films TV Channel will focus on a variety of featured films, movies for television, mini-series, for numerous genres of content for television and the big screen. We are revisiting some of the old classics and re-imagined in a modern way without taking from the nostalgic of the films and movies, yet retelling some of the stories featuring a cast of BIPOC+. Because in the end, all our lives parallel in many ways. 

      Actors * Screenwriters * Above-the-Line Talent  * Below-the-Line Talent​

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JEMH Multimedia

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JEMH Enterprises is a Washington DC (headquarters) multimedia company that develops the most innovative and emerging creative products in the arts, entertainment, digital media, media technology, and broadcasting industries. JEMH Enterprises is a leader in media production, management, and technology. JEMH Owner, Sonya Dunn (an Okla. native) is one of TOLEGS Visionaries Partners and Mentors. She brings tons of experience, recognition, and awards. In addition, to adding Oklahoma as one of her branch locations to launch a new channel under TOLESG, she also has locations in Colorado, Virginia, and recently Los Angeles, CA 


Sonya Dunn is a transmedia storyteller with experience in developing content for traditional, digital, and emerging media platforms. Dunn's directorial debut short film, The Bedroom, was selected and screened at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival. Her films have also been selected for other film festivals, including Pan African Film Festival. TOLESG is fortunate to have Sonya as part of our Tribe.

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Sonya serves on the Board of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences (The Oscars) Short Film and Animation Branch. 

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The Real Reality Channel

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Many people won't admit it however, due to their popularity it's obvious millions of us are hooked on Reality TV.  Well, CMP wants to take it up a notch, another BHAG move, and start a Reality TV Channel. All reality, all the time...from competitions to personality-driven shows and everything in-between. However, our goal is to offer true reality, no semi-scripted (unless the show otherwise specified), no constant cat-fighting or being each other down. Our shows will be heartwarming, yet very entertaining. Even educational at times. So, if you are a Reality Show junkie like Me, then this is the Channel created especially for us.

If you have a great idea for a Reality-Unscripted-Alternative television program, please let us help you bring it from the script to the development stage. 

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Our founder, Gondolyn has nearly 100 TV Shows concepts. Many of them fall under unscripted, reality shows. Most of them are real but also have a mix-up of all of them. To check out some of her shows. concepts on her website  

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The Millenniums Project - Gen X,Y, Zers

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The Millennium Projects

WOW, what an incredible opportunity! What about a true BHAG? Let's allow our young people to shine like never before. This channel is for them, the next power generation, The Gen X, Y, Zers. The Millennium Projects will be coming of age television programming and films that are relatable to their generations and by them. They will have complete control over running their channel and learn how to produce, direct and manage a channel from the groundwork. They will be responsible for the day-to-day operation. Hiring the crew, casting the actors, etc. something they can use call their own, even though TOLESG is the channel's owner, the Millenniums will have a respectful percentage of the profits.

  • Actors

  • Storytellers

  • Creators

  • Producers

  • Directors

  • Mentors

  • Film Crew

  • Spokesperson

  • Interns

  • Artists

  • Film School Training

  • Casting

  • Interpreters

  • S.T.E.M.

  • Gamers


BIPOC+ Christian TV Channel

Christian Entertainment all the time.  This channel is where you can find all your wholesome, family-friendly shows, movies, entertainment, and more unique programming.  Our Christian network will also be full of learning opportunities about each one of our way of living, lifestyles, and cultural education.  How about we get to have our own Christian channel opening up a view of God's world in a way like never shown before. 

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Christian Films * Talk Shows  * Cultural Experiences * Discovery
* Dramas * Entertainment * BIPOC+ Worship Services * Plus so much more!

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Home Shows * Food Shows * Makeovers 
* Education * Game Shows 
 Talk Shows * Entertainment * Cartoons 
Positive News * Sports * and Others!

This is going to be our fun channel with every show that gives you that uplifting, inspiring, feel-good sensation...the feeling that ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD!  When you want to escape life's "ups and downs", come to this channel to find your "joys and pleasures"  LEARN - PLAY - RELAX - CREATE - BE ENTERTAINED  - ENJOY WHAT LIFE HAS TO OFFER. 

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Girl Talk

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Colorful Me Productions (CMP) 

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Film & Productions Productions & Academy


A space, place, and open door for the BIPOC+ creative community through an array of  

"We are the CHANGE we want the World to SEE!" 

DISCLAIMER: Tree of Life Entertainment Solutions Group (TOLESG), any staff or member is not allowed to make you any promises or guarantees regarding this career choice due to your participation. There are NO PROMISES in this industry, just RARE opportunities. An opportunity for you to train, serve/volunteer, donate, invest or become a part of our profit-earners Tribe member. We are creating resources and opportunities to help you jumpstart your career option in one of our represented industries mentioned throughout our site. Again, TOLESG is not making you any PROMISES or GUARANTEES for employment, signings, work, bookings, castings, or discovery. Also, all content on this website is copyrighted; no part should be copied, shared, or reprinted without written permission. TOLESG company is in its start-up phase with a seven-year completion plan. However, there are no guarantees that each of the seven phases will be completed, developed, or implemented by the goal timeline. These are projected plans of what we are proposed to take into development.

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© Colorful Me Productions © 2022. All Rights Reserved

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