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Can We Count On Your Support?

As the Leaders of TOLESG and CMP, we truly understand we have a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goals), which we believe in Heavenly vs. Hairy because this was a God-given vision for us.  Therefore, we believe He will send us the right people and resources and open all the right doors it will take to bring this project (a true mission of others) to fruition and completion by our 7 Phase goals timeline.


And a reminder that Yes, we are Colorful, Whimiscal, and truly beat to our own Drum is displayed throughout our website.  Our Boldness is represented loud and clear!  Yet, we are deeply rooted in nostalgia, and the "IT TAKES A VILLAGE" mentality is just like the Tulsa Black Wall Street was built on!


If it has been put on your heart to support this project because lots of prayers have gone up,  you are not here at this moment by accident.  In addition to looking for Servant Leaders, we are also seeking faithful, cheerful givers willing to give their time, expertise, and resources (monetary or in-kind).


This is the first time in the Heartland something this bold and somewhat overwhelming that involves a large number of a group of like-minded BIPOC+  has come together to solve several social issues that are near and dear to each of our hearts, with the biggest ones being inclusion and equality.  We share so much of our plans because we want to be a company with a designated number of profit-earners to help us reach our goal of empowering 100,000 BIPOC+ to become millionaires by the end of our seven (7) phases plan.  And the way to attract so many individuals with their own dreams and aspirations we wanted to make sure they could find a space and place where they could bloom and make their dreams come true as well...therefore, as shown our options are endless.  However, we made sure to stick to our vision and mission that whatever we chose in the area of opportunities is because of the lack of inclusion and equality in each area of our related industries where we can be a solution to what is missing in these industries.


We are asking you to BELIEVE, IMAGINE and EXPLORE the POSSIBILITIES with us...just as a reminder, BHAG plans are nothing new -


   Amazon started with a Book

      Starbucks with a cup of Coffee

Walt Disney with a Mouse.

                 The Kardashians with a Reality Show

                                                Tyler Perry with a Play and a car to sleep & work from

Numerous others believed in a dream and built an empire.  They inspire us and drive us to realize that we can do the same thing because it is possible!. Plus, ours comes with an array of opportunities for thousands to benefit from and leave legacies.  And because we believe in miracles and we saw impossible dreams become possible.  Therefore, we choose to make no excuses for our BHAG overwhelming plan but decided to embrace it and be inspired and motivated by those others whom people didn't believe their dreams were impossible to achieve.  Each one proved their naysayers wrong with hard work, dedication, and commitment.  We will, too, because we know we are on to something big and blessed by the vision Creator, Himself!  So, WHY support us?...because you too can MAKE A DIFFERENCE and IMPACT THE LIVES OF THOUSAND OTHERS!

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Any form of support will be helpful. We are looking for

Celebrities Mentors
Legal Services
Monetary Contributions
In-Kind Contributions
Strategic Partners
Skilled & Expertise 
Fundraisers Supporters
  • Kickstarter Campaign & Future Crowdfunding campaigns
  • Social Media - The $5 High Five "Caring" and "Sharing" Challenge
Naming Rights opportunities
*Servant Leaders (Visionaries)
*Tribe Members  (Dreamers)
Prayer Warriors (Believers)
Small Businesses   (Entrepreneurs)
Social Media    (Influencers &
                                Content Managers)

* potential profit earners

With your help, our TOMORROWLAND can become a community others will model after of



  • Purchase all the production equipment needed to film projects. 

  • CMP Productions Projects - to start developing our first television series pilots for each channel - Deaf & HOH and The First Americans by Indigenous Creators & Filmmakers. 

  • Help us on the path to starting our new Television Network - with new television channels and programming by BIPOC+ Creators.  By producing our first projects, and obtaining our 1000 hours goal of completed programming content. These funds will help us get started. Projects for our other new channels; BIPOC+ Movie Channel, Animation & Children Programming, BIPOC+ Christian Entertainment Channel, All Unscripted Shows, Coming of Age Shows & Films by Gen X, Y & Zers. 

  • Production cost:  cast, crew, location fees, set designs, props, wardrobe, editing, plus many more associated expenses. 

  • Seed money for TOLESG business start-up, and to expand our business and office set-up (currently a generous business is allowing us to use and share their office space with them) Administrative (space rental, hiring staff, legal fees, licenses, contractors, materials, etc.)

  • Assist with starting additional programming hours and new shows for both new TV channels.

  • BIPOC+ Scholarships Assistance; filmmaking career training - Our First 100 Filmmakers Empowerment Project (Adults - Deaf - Children/Youth). Offer filmmaking scholarships to BIPOC+ and children in underserved communities and to rural areas residents. 

  • Social Media Marketing and other marketing materials, techniques, other

  • Land purchase for TOLESG future home

  • Others unforeseen expenses 

  • Will allow us to open the doors to thousands for job opportunities and career change options. 

  • Will impact the lives of several underrepresented communities.


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Help us make a DIFFERENCE


Thank you for your support!

Monetary Contributions can be made: 

Thank you supporters for your generosity 

CASH APP:     $treeoflifeesg
VENMO:         Tree of Life Entertainment SG

Paypal:     Tree of Life Entertainment
                 Solutions Group Inc 

Checks Payable to:                       Tree of Life Entertainment Solutions Group
Main Office (mail or drop off):     2501 NE 23rd St., Ste. A, Oklahoma City, OK 73111
                                                     (located inside 23 Business Center)
TX Mailing address:                    Tree of Life Entertainment Solutions Group -
                                                     12723 Tumbling Creek Trail, Frisco, TX 75035


Monetary donations will be used at TOLESG discretion from the above list (unless otherwise explicitly specified use by contributor)

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Colorful Me Productions (CMP) 

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Film & Productions Productions & Academy


A space, place, and open door for the BIPOC+ creative community through an array of  

"We are the CHANGE we want the World to SEE!" 

DISCLAIMER: Tree of Life Entertainment Solutions Group (TOLESG), any staff or member is not allowed to make you any promises or guarantees regarding this career choice due to your participation. There are NO PROMISES in this industry, just RARE opportunities. An opportunity for you to train, serve/volunteer, donate, invest or become a part of our profit-earners Tribe member. We are creating resources and opportunities to help you jumpstart your career option in one of our represented industries mentioned throughout our site. Again, TOLESG is not making you any PROMISES or GUARANTEES for employment, signings, work, bookings, castings, or discovery. Also, all content on this website is copyrighted; no part should be copied, shared, or reprinted without written permission. TOLESG company is in its start-up phase with a seven-year completion plan. However, there are no guarantees that each of the seven phases will be completed, developed, or implemented by the goal timeline. These are projected plans of what we are proposed to take into development.

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© Colorful Me Productions © 2022. All Rights Reserved

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